Sunday 28 June 2009

The Free Rider Problem

Well, I'm back, as requested by all the major dailies (or more accurately, by my mum).

I had been planning to say that the highlight of my week has been completing the expert level of 'Minesweeper'. But that was before I spent all of yesterday evening watching Take That from the Old Trafford tram station...utterly brilliant. And I mean that in a totally un-ironic way.

Take That related decadence: it was spontaneous, I was surrounded by happy drunk strangers, grannies shimmied up railings whilst parents helped their children clamber onto ticket machines, it was raining, Gary Barlow gave us a shout out, I remembered why I had been in love with Mark Owen (who bares a remarkable resemblance to the Husband), we were asked to move by the police yet didn't, and best of all it was much cooler and more outrageous than Glasto.

Take That related sensibleness: we were already on the tram station, so managed to get home before anyone who was actually at the concert, it evoked a spirit of community without the spirit of drugged-up lunacy often associated with outdoor music events, and best of all it was much more sensible than Glasto.

It was only later that I realised that my single mother had not returned from her hot date so I gave her a call. When I discovered that her mobile was switched off, I began to panic. What if she had been abducted? Mothernapped? In a car accident? At the bottom of the Manchester Ship Canal? I sent her a frantic text, saying, 'please indicate if you have been abducted and/or are dead'.

Of course she is absolutely fine, having had a delightful evening. It is only now I realise how often I in my decadent days received the exact same text message from her, and how often I ignored it...

Sunday 14 June 2009

Hilariously, I have just discovered that there is a book about motherhood called 'The 10 Year Nap', by Meg Wolitzer. So that's what happens after the 10 year gap...

Saturday 6 June 2009


I have just realised that elderlybee is the perfect way to break the mould, and that posting random doodles of a bee defies all kinds of sensibleness.

Yet I can still wear comfortable shoes whilst doing it!

Yes, baby, I think I just got my mojo back.

Now I must go. It's past my bedtime.
Yes, it is Saturday night. No, I am not drunk.

Instead I have been thinking about doodles since posting the link to Cedric's quite frankly brilliant website and my subsequent doodles. At the risk of sounding hugely pretentious, I'm going to try to put my doodle archive into some kind of narrative order...which is going to require a whole new blog.

It has only just been born, so be gentle with it... check out

Unbelievably, this is not the first thing that comes up when you google 'elderly bee blog'.

So now there are 2 blogs- 1 narcissistic, 1 artistic.

Inspired to doodle by Paris hedonists

To further illuminate the contrast between the drizzly, dependable Mancunian lifestyle of myself, and the hedonistic Parisian lifestyle of the BF, here is her boyfriend's website:

Oh. My. God.